Tuesday, October 23, 2012

11 Months and a Haircut

Hi everyone! Sorry my mommy has been so busy and hasn't had a lot of time to update y'all on my awesomeness. 
But wait no longer! 
I am 11 months now. I'm getting so big and doing so much. I am even starting to WALK!

Here are some fun pictures 

LOOK. Just look at all my teeth that just suddenly popped up. Now I can chew me some steak.
haha, Just kidding, I still stick to the basics. Cheerios, cheese, crackers, etc.

I got to go with my big sisters to their preschool field trip to the pumpkin patch. It was a beautiful day, too!

And now. The monumental event. My FIRST haircut.
(I actually didn't care that much. My mommy may or may not have gone to pieces a little bit over it)
These are the before pictures. Note the hair curling over my ears in a cute baby-ish way

The afters. I am now a BIG BOY. 
(And mommy's heart just broke a little)

My mom is working on getting pictures and videos of my new found love of walking!!
And now the countdown begins to my 1st Birthday!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

9+ Months

So Mommy took a break from blogging and picture taking, but here are some highlights from my 7th, and 8th months!
Here are my stats:
Weight: 23lbs
Height: 29"
Eats: 6oz bottles, 4-5 times a day. Loves to eat table foods more than pureed, just starting on gold fish crackers, cheese, and yogurt and having a great time making big messes with it all. 
FINALLY getting some teeth! Starting two weeks ago I now have 6 teeth coming in!
I'm starting to babble a lot and I even say sounds like Mama and Dada. Its super cute. I am working on the sign for More and All Done.  In the space of one month I went from sitting up to crawling and then to pulling myself up onto things! Now, at 9 months I am trying to stand alone and I am walking along the furniture like crazy.

Here are some pictures from my summer:

First plane ride to Las Vegas!
 My cool sisters!

I'm pretty cool myself

Belly Buddha laugh

I'm a super fast crawler now

Making big messes is my MO

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Keep reading!

So mommy posted the last two blog posts out of order! So keep reading for my up to date stats!

3.5 Months

Mommy put me in the excersaucer the other day to see how I did and I loved it! She is a little bit sad that I am growing up so fast, but so happy that I am doing so well.

Here is a fun video of me enjoying the excersaucer

March 2012

Look who is 6 months old!

Where has the time gone? Suddenly I am half a year old!
Here are my amazing stats:
Weight: 19 lbs 10oz - 90%
Height: 27in - 50-75%
Head: 17.5 in - 75%

I am a BIG boy! The dr says I have reached what he calls "Maximum Density". So hopefully once I get this crawling thing down I will slim down a bit. Mommy's back is starting to hurt!
So far I am loving life and having fun discovering the world. I love to roll around the floor and play with toys. I try to scoot myself and am trying to gain the strength to lift my huge body into full crawl position. Almost there.
I am completely a social butterfly. So much so that I do NOT want to nurse if there is anything interesting going on around me. In this house, that equals only at night and first thing in the morning! The other times I need to eat I am perfectly fine with looking around with the bottle in my hands.
I have also tried some yummy baby food. Mommy has  yet to find a fruit or veggie that I wont eat! So far I have tried bananas, peaches, pears, applesauce, sweet potatoes, squash, broccoli, peas, and green beans. I also like oatmeal cereal better than rice. My tummy likes it better, too!
Thats about it for the update! Here are some pictures of the recent happenings of my life. I am loving this nice sunny weather we have been enjoying, cant wait for summer to be here!

Check out the chub!

Chilaxing the swing at the park!

I love going for walks, too!

 Me and my little cousin who is 2 weeks old and about 15lbs lighter than me!
 Daddy let me try a candy on Easter!
 My big sisters love to help feed me!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

the 4 Month post, almost a month late!

I guess having 3 kids makes Mommy super busy! But better late than never!
On March 13th I became 4 months old! Here are my stats:
Height: 50 percentile
Head Size: 50 percentile
Weight: 15lbs 9oz 75 percentile

I am a growing boy! Two weeks after this weigh-in I was weighed again and already had gained a whole pound more! Guess I love to eat

I am now learning to roll over from tummy to back as well as from back to tummy. I like to just roll around the floor slowly to get to different places. I also do a funny little inch worm crawlt hingy that mommy loves to watch. My head is pretty heavy still so its hard to lift up for a long time, but my legs just want to go!
Mommy started giving me some apple juice for my digestion and some rice cereal. I LOVE juice! I was not sure about the rice cereal at first, but now I love to eat that too. I discovered that the rest of my family eats food with spoons and forks, so I want to too!
Mommy also thinks I might be starting to get some bottom teeth. I have SO MUCH DROOL all the time! And I love to chew on everything; hands, toys, my pacifier, mommy's finger, etc. Maybe they will poke through soon!

And now, here are some cute photos from my 4th month!

I had a fun Easter with my sisters. The Easter Bunny brought me some yummy yogurt melts and socks! I had a lot of fun celebrating with my family!
It has been nice weather so I have been able to go outside a lot and enjoy nature!

Here are some pictures of me rolling


I LOVE to play in the excersaucer!

"What IS this, a GIRL toy???"

I am so cute

More later!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I am 3 Months Old!

As of February 13th I finally became 3 months old!
I am becoming more awake and mobile lately. I love to listen to music and look at people's faces. I like to smile and laugh at my mommy and daddy and sisters.
I go to the doctor when I am 4 months, so mommy doesn't know exactly how much I weigh, but she thinks I am probably 14-15 lbs. I am now fitting into some 6 month size clothes!

Here are some recent photos of my cuteness!

Playing with my sister

Look at those cheeks!

A close up of these huge chubby thighs!

Almost a smile for the camera!

The camera is just too interesting to keep smiling!

I love to excersize my legs all day long

And here is a video of me babbling and moving around. (Hopefully it works...!)

Sunday, January 22, 2012


January 1, 2012 was my Blessing Day.

Mom and Dad decided to have it at our church building in the evening, so as to accommodate my huge family.
I am SO blessed to be a part of so many family members on both sides of the family, they estimated about 75+ people came, with about 22 men in the circle!
It was crazy, but such a great experience!

Thank you to Aunt Nani, for taking these great pictures!

Thanks to everyone for coming to my special day!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I wish I could play in the snow...

Mom gets me all bundled up to go out in the snow and all I get to do is sit in the front pack strapped to her body!
Maybe next year I can go sledding with my sisters!

It's ok, I am still the cutest little boy!


Sunday, January 15, 2012

2 months already???

WO! Its 2012 and I am 2 months old already??? Where has the time gone?
I am doing so well. Eating and sleeping and playing all day long!

Here are my stats and some photos:
Head size: 25th percentile
Height: 50th percentile
Weight: 75th percentile 12 lbs!

Myself and my cousin Alyssa. We are the same size and she is 2 months older than me!

The force is strong with this one...