Wednesday, August 29, 2012

9+ Months

So Mommy took a break from blogging and picture taking, but here are some highlights from my 7th, and 8th months!
Here are my stats:
Weight: 23lbs
Height: 29"
Eats: 6oz bottles, 4-5 times a day. Loves to eat table foods more than pureed, just starting on gold fish crackers, cheese, and yogurt and having a great time making big messes with it all. 
FINALLY getting some teeth! Starting two weeks ago I now have 6 teeth coming in!
I'm starting to babble a lot and I even say sounds like Mama and Dada. Its super cute. I am working on the sign for More and All Done.  In the space of one month I went from sitting up to crawling and then to pulling myself up onto things! Now, at 9 months I am trying to stand alone and I am walking along the furniture like crazy.

Here are some pictures from my summer:

First plane ride to Las Vegas!
 My cool sisters!

I'm pretty cool myself

Belly Buddha laugh

I'm a super fast crawler now

Making big messes is my MO

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